
RiOT Comedy brings you the illest cartoons you'll ever watch. RiOT Comedy was started by the Hudson Brothers in 2018 with a vision of restoring real comedy in a space that's craving it now more than ever. In an era where real comedy fans are itching for comedy that isn't watered down to not offend people, RiOT Comedy is here to fill that void.

The Hudson Brothers grew up in rural Missouri and had no background in animation, writing, or content production. But they knew how to be funny and they knew how to be resourceful. After spending a year-and-a-half teaching themselves to animate and create shows, they launched a successful YouTube channel in 2015 for a show called "The Lounge," which was subsequently picked up by Comedy Central and ran as a web series for two years.

Since working with Comedy Central, the Hudson Brothers have also worked with Kevin Hart's LOL Network, Showtime, World Star, Ball Is Life, and others.

RiOT Comedy is continuously working to bring you the funniest content in the world. With your support we will continue to deliver amazing cartoons and move into full length shows and movies!


For the Sake of Comedy.